
You have before you a blank slate, write on it what gives you life.  -Junith Prosper-

At the beginning of each new year, most of us find ourselves excitedly making resolutions that we abandon shortly after February.  It is not that we don’t mean well, we do.  But life and responsibilities have a way of giving us a harsh dosage of reality.  Unfortunately, we give in without putting up a fight.

This year, I challenge you to make the most of your moments.  To push yourself to achieve the dreams that seem ridiculous, impossible, too big, too small, or they may have simply been relegated to a dark corner of a forgotten shelf.

Regardless of how you feel, push through it.  Regardless of how much support you have or don’t have, push your way through it, because on the other side of this is a sense of accomplishment, of completeness that you will not feel otherwise.  Dare yourself to dream again, as you did when you were a child.  And when you do, you will see how possible it is to live your life unlimited again.