Happy Valentine’s Day To Me!

I am spending Valentine’s Day alone, and I’m okay with that.  For years, I fell prey to the hype around the holiday and made myself sick when I didn’t have that special someone at my side.  But who decides what love should look like?  I do!  I have learned over the years that in order for me to truly appreciate the holiday, and all the trimmings, I have to first appreciate and love me.  How can I embrace someone else and what they have to offer if I don’t appreciate me?

What instigated this post was a comment I read on social media where a young lady sent out an open invitation to all looking for a date on Valentine’s day.  Initially, I thought how crazy!  But upon closer inspection, I realized that we have all done things that could be misconstrued as crazy.  But are they crazy?  Or are they really our desperate attempt at masking our inability to cope with being alone, with ourselves?